12 Intellectual Disability and the Death Penalty
application across states of the protections guaranteed ­under Atkins v. ­
Virginia. ­ Until then, most cases continue to use the state statutes as a guide
and then rely heavi­ ly on the AAIDD and DSM-5 systems for the operation-
alization of the state definition, since AAIDD and DSM-5 establish national
consensus on clinical standards of practice in defining and diagnosing
intellectual disability.
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Harris, J. C. (2006). Intellectual Disability: Understanding Its Development, ­Causes, Clas-
sification, Evaluation, and Treatment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hayes, S., Shackell, P., Mottram, P., & Lancaster, R. (2007). The prevalence of
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ability, 35, 162–167.
Holland, T., Clare, I. C. H., & Mukhopadhyay, T. (2002). Prevalence of “criminal
offending” by men and ­women with intellectual disability and the char-
acteristics of “offenders”: implications for research and ser­vice develop-
ment. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(s1), 6–20.
Luckasson, R., Coulter, D. L., Polloway, E. A., Reiss, S., Schalock, R. L., Snell, M. E.,
Spitalnik, D. M., & Stark, J. A. (1992). ­ Mental Retardation: Definition,
Classification, and Systems of Supports (9th Edition). Washington, DC:
American Association on ­ Mental Retardation.
Luckasson, R., & Schalock, R. L. (2015). Standards to guide the use of clinical
judgment in the field of intellectual disability. Intellectual and Developmen-
tal Disabilities, 53(3), 240–251.
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