xvi Introduction ABOUT THIS BOOK This book assembles the experts who “were there” to offer you detailed instructions on how you and your library can enter the new and exciting arena of librarian-curated self-publishing. Although the Soon to be Famous Project was conceived and executed by public librarians, we believe the model can be adopted and adapted to any type of library. Chapters cover every step of the process, from explaining exactly what librarian-curated self-publishing is, why you should get involved in it, and how to get organized, recruit others to help, solicit submissions, deal with authors, and judge books, to announcing and promoting the winners and assessing the outcomes. More than a guide to how libraries can establish an award program for self-published work, this book also provides librarians with a new way to bolster their relevance and expand upon their role as curators and “keepers of story.” It is a great way to engage community. It is our sincere hope that within these pages you find the inspiration and practical advice you need for launching an author awards program.
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