x Preface Chapter 5 involves „Getting Past Procrastination.‰ Calendars and schedules outline what needs to be done, but things can slide for a variety of reasons. We may avoid a boring task or put off one that weÊre uncertain about how to begin. Large projects may seem overwhelming and the desire to put off starting the task seems preferable to plunging right into step one. Or sometimes when a project is coming to an end, the final stages can be stressful causing you to want to set it aside. Or, perhaps you said „yes‰ once too often and you have too many things on your to-do list or you underestimated how much time any of your other tasks might take. Getting over the desire for perfection is the focus of Chapter 6. Do you try too hard to be perfect in everything you do or do you expect perfection in others? Perfectionism can lead to burnout, an inability to start a project, stress, or an unwillingness to take risks or even complete tasks. This chapter explains the difference between excellence and perfectionism. It also encourages recognizing that there are times when striving for efficiency rather than perfection makes the most sense. Chapter 7 deals with distractions and interruptions, which are frequently cited challenges in library work environments. Whether itÊs that „ding‰ you hear every time a new e-mail arrives, coworker conver- sations near your desk, social media, or loud noises as construction takes place, distractions and interrup- tions must be addressed or at least accounted for in your estimates and goals for using your time. They must be dealt with or your to-do list for the day will not have many items marked complete. Worksheets to use to help you identify your time management challenges and devise plans for being more effective are scattered throughout the book. You can enter your information and experiences, customizing an approach that makes sense for you. Ultimately, time management is a very individual thing and we need to be willing to experiment and learn. The good news is, time management can be learned. ItÊs not an innate ability that some people have and others do not. Effective time management is a capability we all have within our reach.
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