vi Contents Prester John, Legend of, 51 Qur’an, Latin Translations of, 54 Relics, Looting of, 56 Romanesque Architecture, 59 Sainte Chapelle, 61 Symbols of the Crusading Orders, 63 True Cross, 66 Economics and Work, 69 Introduction, 69 Agriculture and the Crusader States, 71 Baltic States Trade, 73 Banking and the Templars, 76 Blacksmiths, 78 Byzantine and Latin Christian Trade, 80 Byzantine and Muslim Trade, 83 Colonialism and Crusading, 85 Cooks, 88 Crusade Charters and the Cost of Crusading, 92 Crusade Tax, 94 Crusader Coinage, 96 Economic Motives of the Crusaders, 98 Economies of the Crusader States, 102 Exports from the Crusader States, 104 Family Funding of Crusaders, 107 Imports to the Crusader States, 108 Italian Merchants, 110 Labor in the Crusader States, 112 Landowners, 115 Laundresses, 118 Pillage and Plunder, 120 Planning for a Crusade, 123 Port Cities in the Crusader States, 126 Prostitution, 129 Silk Roads, 132 Slavery and the Crusades, 134 Taxation in the Crusader States, 138 Family and Gender, 141 Introduction, 141 Amazons, 142
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