Timeline of Historical Events xxiii 1851 Unsuccessful revolt to prevent Manuel Montt from becoming president. 1851–1861 Two-term presidency of Manuel Montt. 1859 Revolt led by mining baron Pedro León Gallo against the Montt government. 1861–1871 Two-term presidency of José Joaquín Pérez. Broad amnesty is given to participants of previous political revolts. 1862 Radical Party is founded by Pedro León Gallo. 1866 Spanish gunships fi re on Valparaíso, severely damag- ing commercial warehouses. 1878 Chile and Argentina defi ne their common border based on mountain peaks and watersheds. 1879–1883 War of the Pacifi c. Chile defeats Bolivia and Peru, who cede the nitrate-rich areas of Antofagasta and Tarapaca to Chile. 1881–1882 Military rebuilds forts of Imperial and Villarrica de- stroyed by the Mapuche three centuries earlier. Part of plan to encircle the Mapuche. 1883–1884 Civil cemeteries, marriage, and birth registry are en- acted over the opposition of the conservatives and the church. 1886–1891 José Manuel Balmaceda becomes president. Nitrate bonanza begins. 1887 Catholic University is founded. 1891 Congressional revolt against Balmaceda. Naval com- mander Jorge Montt and Emil Körner, a Prussian mil- itary advisor, help congressional forces win. 1891–1896 Jorge Montt’s presidency. 1893 Railroad reaches Temuco in the Mapuche heartland. 1904 North American William Braden employs new cop- per fl otation technology in developing the El Teniente copper mine near Rancagua. 1906 Valparaíso earthquake severely damages the port. 1907 Nitrate miners’ strike in Iquique is brutally suppressed.
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