ACKNOWLEDGMENTS No book ever results from the work of just one person. Usually the better parts of a book are the product of many people, while the lesser parts may be attributed to the errors of one— the author. My appreciation is owed to a number of persons without whom this text would never have been brought into print. First, thank you to the entire editorial and publishing staff at Greenwood Press. This is my second project with Greenwood, and as before, it has been my pleasure to work with pro- fessionals of high caliber. In particular, I thank Steven Vetrano, who, in his capacity as acquisitions editor, was the first to support the project in its initial stage. I also thank Sandy Towers, whose patient guidance and good-natured indulgence of my tendency to lace cor- respondence with Tolkien references helped ensure that the project remained enjoyable while keeping me focused on the task at hand. The Greenwood staff as a whole deserves credit for those parts of this book that are good, and none more than Sandy. Additionally, our project manager, Haylee Schwenk, helped to bring this project to completion her dili- gence and smart suggestions in the finishing stages were gratefully received and much appre- ciated. Thanks also to Michael O’Connor for some important late-inning calls with the result of improving select passages. In sum, everyone at Greenwood has contributed in some important way in bringing this book to light. Second, my colleagues and students at James Madison University have provided me with a stimulating and collegial environment, enabling me the privilege of doing nothing less than discussing the finest things with young and eager minds. The Department of Political Sci- ence and Public Administration at JMU is an association of friends, and it is my good fortune to be a member of their cohort. Third, a deep intellectual debt is owed to my past teachers, all of whom played a signifi- cant role in inspiring and sustaining my love for political theory. Only what is good in this volume can be attributed to their enduring influence. No doubt some will inadvertently be left unmentioned, but the following professors—most of whom have likely forgotten me but who nonetheless have provided, in abundance, insight and direction for my own development as a student of political theory—all deserve my personal gratitude: Louis Mor- ton, Morton Perry, William Prior, David Gross, John Searle, William Allen, Harry Jaffa, Sharon Snowiss, Theodore Waldman, Fr. Eleutherius Winance, Leonard Levy, Al Louch, T. Lindsay Moore, Jim Stewart, Paul Lowdenslager, Lee McDonald, and Scott Warren. Specifically, I leaned heavily on Lee McDonald’s comprehensive work in drafting several of the entries in this book, and I still consider his three-volume survey of western political theory to be the best available. Lou Morton was the first instructor to formally introduce me to the serious study of political ideas in a rigorous, structured environment, and over the years he has remained a teacher, mentor, and close family friend. The late Paul Low- denslager helped to rekindle my love of the ancients, thus returning me to the great classics that I had first encountered in my earliest exposure to the world of ideas, and he remains in
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