Acknowledgments Much appreciation to my Dad—a real writer—for helping me on this project. This editor needed his own editor and he was mine. Thank you, Connie, especially for the three weeks you let me work on this book in Vermont while you single-parented the two kids in DC. Can I do it every summer? Thanks to the other contributors! I know that I hassled you a lot, but we got it done! I could not have done this without the executive team at NGP VAN, especially Mark for his great chapter and Stu for his support of the project. Great gratitude to all of the employees—and clients—of NGP Software, Inc., past and present, for making the journey possible for me. Thanks to everyone else who gave me good advice or assistance, including my sister Eve, Stephanie Abbajay for the copyediting, series editor Ray Smith for his help and everyone who touched the project at Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
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