xii Preface to Fourth Edition edition, followed by collaborative brainstorming sessions framed to consider issues of content and arrangement. A new outline was created to tighten the organ­ization and pre­sen­ ta ­ tion of ideas and reduce redundancies. Conventional databases ­ were searched in the areas of responsibility by each coauthor, and the new studies ­ were reviewed. Individual chapters ­were then revised, rewrit- ten, or rearranged to reflect insights from library research studies published since the publication of the third edition in 2011. This new edition of a classic work aims to be informative and suggestive, rather than prescriptive. As such, it is meant to inspire scholars to broaden and deepen their research efforts, and library educators to use effective theo- ries and methods as the basis of an information literacy curriculum. Both activ- ities are of critical importance if school librarians are to ensure that all students develop critical thinking and information competencies so vital to their success as responsible citizens of the world.
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