x SERIES FOREWORD Th is book’s material is well organized and accessible—even fun—reading, besides being impressively backed up with academic research. One of my favorites is an explanation of sextexting addiction on the basis of reinforce- ment schedules from experimental psychology, notably, that unpredictable rewards cause greater increases of dopamine. Others of my favorites in this book are classic lessons I use in my classes about intimacy at Columbia Uni- versity Teachers College, about the importance of “active listening,” and also about attachment styles. Chapters are well organized into four general elements: case narratives fol- lowed by relationship dynamic analysis, treatment techniques (for therapists but that can also be applied by general readers), and a summary of essential takeaways. Issues like emotional aff airs and cyber-infi delity, as well as cop- ing and therapeutic techniques from various disciplines, including cognitive behavioral therapy, emotionally focused therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy, are addressed. Rachel Hoff man certainly achieves her goal in this book: to mindfully con- trol technology—instead of letting it control us—for better connections and closeness in sexuality and love. Dr. Judy Kuriansky
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