Communism 864 International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) 865 San Francisco 866 ZOOT SUIT RIOTS (1942) 869 Mexican Americans 877 Police Brutality 878 Servicemen 880 BATTLE OF ATHENS (1946) 883 Mansfield, Pat (dates unknown) 887 Political Corruption 888 CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT (1953–1968) 891 Carmichael, Stokely/Kwame Ture (1941–1998) 903 King, Martin Luther Jr. (1929–1968) 904 Malcolm X (1925–1965) 907 March on Washington (1963) 908 Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) 910 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 912 President John F. Kennedy’s Proclamation and Executive Order against State Resistance to Desegregation in Mississippi (1962) 913 Excerpts from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 915 ANTIWAR MOVEMENT (1960S–1970S) 925 Counterculture 937 Kent State (1970) 938 The Moratorium (1969) 941 Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 943 Speech Delivered by Paul Potter, President of Students for a Democratic Society, at the Washington Monument (1965) 945 Students for a Democratic Society Leaflet Distributed at the Antiwar March on Washington (1965) 950 Statements of the Fort Hood Three (1966) 951 Excerpts from United States v. Spock: Dr. Benjamin Spock, William Sloane Coffin, and Others Accused of Conspiring to Aid and Abet Draft Evasion (1969) 957 A Father’s Disgust with Antiwar Demonstrations (1970) 960 xvi Contents
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