“With the skill of a practitioner-scholar Dan Gerstein sounds the alarm on why the U.S. isn’t ready for ‘Tech Wars.’ Framed as a whole society project, the book explores how the U.S. fi nds itself in a tech defi cit and charts a path to ensure a prosperous future. The book is a call to action for leaders across government and industry.” —Derek S. Reveron, U.S. Naval War College and Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs “Tech wars and national competitions are expanding exponentially and now threaten American technology leadership, and therefore our future prosperity and national security. How we navigate these challenges and, in some cases, existential threats will determine our fate. This prescient book lays out the con- tours and seriousness of the threats and makes essential recommendations for how to respond, making it a must read for serious participants in the tech world and policy makers alike.” —James Dougherty, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
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